Ok, so I arrived via notes and am not super well-versed in any of this, but an issue caught in my craw at the beginning and I never overcame it: if the Game B wiki defines it as “not an ideology” and instead “many flags on many hills” why does it need to scale at all? What part of the Game could even be doing the scaling? Scaling sounds to me like applying a single game’s rules across a broad array of circumstances, some of which they aren’t suited to—situations that are consequently degrading, diminishing or oppressive—and if I’m using Game B right, it seems like it shouldn’t “scale,” it should be seek to be compatible and synergistic with others self-defining their own preferred “game” autonomously.

To build on what I took to be your recommendation, Children are great at this: they collaboratively co-create ever shifting games all the time in which more than one kid enjoys defining the rules and where it doesn’t really matter if the fifth graders play freeze tag one way, because the fourth graders play it a different way and the novelty of trying each others’ systems out is playful, exciting and welcome.

Or is that just anarchosyndicalism?

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"There is a sense that starting with the “meta-crisis” as opposed to starting with the “spirit child” is putting the “cart before the horse” so to speak; but that if we put the “spirit child” first, then perhaps we will be working with something more singular and concrete, build up from that foundation." A reorientation is called for--the spaces between --our focus-- the space between earth and body and between body and inner thought/narratives-- the spirit child is birthed/conditioned in the narratives problematic-now the spirit child moves in the spaces of body --earth and body and imaginative life

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