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May this note find us all ever closer to God, and His Peace.

Wow, quite a list! Some strange elements in it that seem untrue and unjust, but perhaps that is the impression based on the cert-minimal statement of them, and specifying a different meaning.

As I and anyone would understand, that before a problem can be fixed, it must be understood, and the level of true understanding and the aspects to change will correspond to the depth of repair.

To respond to the symptoms of a deeper problem give an appearance of repair but is usually temporary in effect and may make the problem and symptoms worse. And to not properly understand the problem and work deeper fixes can add to the damage.

I suggest to you that much of the serious problems we all face world-wide (and that are increasing) are intended, and that likely at least 80% of the source could be tracked-back to a destructive group. That most or all of what we understand of their sources are wrong, and that based on that wrong information we were educated and presented to us through corporation-government-institutional directed media for us to believe is designed so that what actions seem rational to fix or improve the problem actually does nothing or worsens it to the benefit of those in that group and their Fungal-branching-stranglers minions and tools.

An example that comes to mind is the suffering, disordered, social-destructive solutions for the country of Haiti, that no end of UN NGOs and military involvement, that billions of dollars have been sent and stolen through layered NGO (Clinton Foundation received reportable $10B, and did nothing of significance, most given to other international NGOs), ..

.. Nothing but same money-sucking useless or damaging solutions, when better solutions and information needed to address the situation is suppressed by Profiteers, as issues of avg population low IQ (67, where unlawful for USA Military to accept below 84) and democratic Gov. requires IQ Avg of very near or above Avg (100), ignorance, superstitions, violent-arms (likely supplied to prevent solutions), etc.

Those in real power, the small number of very powerful interconnected 15 or so families, and levels of connected below them that direct world and nation and now Poisoning local societies throughout West and World, local damage like Prosecutors that release and allow violent and open crime, to destroy Trust society, small business, advance more extreme crimes, ..to hurt the family and society.

Until this level of evil-directed and supported Poisoners of Truth, Justice, and good Order, and other underpinnings needed for advancement back to a decent Christian Value-Based society that existed often and widespread through the West, where local problems and destructive forces were not intentionally driven from Powerful sources, from Federal Government, from Legal Super Personhood Corporations with immunities and great wealth (money is Speech) and Institutions of significance such as UN, until then most of what we do will be converted into evil-Profit, unTruth, inJustice, disOrder, pain, suffering, poverty, war, death and Hell.


I agree with our and our society & humanities self-appearance is important and can and should be Inspiring towards Betterment of us and that world around us. To achieve this the self-hate, Society-Hate, contempt for others, divisive relations between us and others, groups, nations, and false-information that is now injected from us from crib onward needs to stop.

We all suffer from Darkened Intelect, damaged minds and crippled potentials, that the Western procedure practice by almost all mothers, young child educators through all education, media, and society of indoctrination and using punishments for non-compliance of insanity as normal, like the 2+2=5 and mothers killing our babies is acceptable - that such is destructive to all our abilities to reflect Reality & Truth properly into our mind and intellect.

Someone might reasonably argue that we all are weakened by this intentionally and so unable to respond properly to the society, nation, family, soul killing they are doing to us all.


The sex difference understanding is intentionally warped and hate-filled. This is a topic anyone with Clarity could write a book on. The Feminization and male-hate and destruction of Truth, Justice, Order, Love, Joy, .. is active and widespread and starts at crib.

.. to even argue that a number of studies [now surprised by Google search and FBI web-site] show that modern Western women have a false-rape accusation (filed with police) rate of 80%, that 1/3 of us are Bastards because of Parental Fraud, that male-hate and active intension and procedures of hurting boys and men are accepted throughout our Western very very Sickened Womanhood, and the mothers are damaging and abusing fathers, (themselves,) and children, destroying families, harming once-stabilizing Institutions, neighborhoods, extended dependencies, and societies throughout the West. And we from crib are forced to become evil-Blind towards them and the demonic-voices inspired horrors they allowed and rewarded to do.

The proper orientation all of Western society should have to women is that they are liars, delusional psychotic dangerous walking machines of horror, suffering, Death and Hell .. until they are driven to change and return to those values-to-society and all that those of us 60+ years old remember was expected and widespreadly true.


Okay, I could go on but I have other things I must do. Thank you for this inspiring Article and I look forward to more of your good work.

God Bless., Steve

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