This article marks a decisive moment of disillusionment for me. With it I let go of certain fantasies that have until now carried me regarding the potentials of decentralized network dynamics for nurturing distributed cultures of wisdom. Paradoxically and thankfully, owing to the rigour on display, this same disillusionment provides a sharp vision of 'real transdisciplinarity for para-academic in-betweenness' which I think more than worthy of pursuit.
This article marks a decisive moment of disillusionment for me. With it I let go of certain fantasies that have until now carried me regarding the potentials of decentralized network dynamics for nurturing distributed cultures of wisdom. Paradoxically and thankfully, owing to the rigour on display, this same disillusionment provides a sharp vision of 'real transdisciplinarity for para-academic in-betweenness' which I think more than worthy of pursuit.